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News Stories

Indigenous Storytelling with Young Water Speaks

Ms. Shamim/Mr. Gray and Ms. Hatt’s classes have been exploring the importance, and history of, storytelling for indigenous people, why we tell stories, and ways to tell good stories. They are making stories on spark video and these will include personal art, text and voice.

Glow Forge Projects

We recently acquired a glow forge for our makerspace! Thank you to School District 8 Innovative Learning Department. 

Our students have been busy in the workshop learning and experimenting with wood and cardboard, as well as with digital design and programming. Once a design is entered into the program, the machine uses a high power laser to cut through any chosen material. Student have been making signs, puzzles, and many other wonderful projects. Watch for some interesting projects to come home!


Mr. Vanlerberg's class has been enjoying all the features of the LIVE IT program. 

They have been learning about arctic animals through the many online resources available. A highlight was a live show with many other students and educators throughout Canada and the world, bringing the artic environment to life! They were able to engage and ask questions in real time. They also did experiments such as recreate blubber for whales!

November Celebration of Learning Assembly

Our November Celebration of Learning Assembly was a great time to see what is happening in each classroom! We reviewed our code of conduct and watched an award winning short film on kindness. It is surprising how when you are kind to others, by giving deeply of ourselves, we receive so much in return. 

Watch the video here:

Makerspace building

Our makerspace activities continue this year! Tools and projects have been taken into classrooms for direct classroom instruction. Additionally, our lunch time makerspace club has begun, and students are able to work on their projects over the break. There are lots of fun things being built in this space!

Snow days!

Students have been having so much fun playing in the snow during their breaks! There has been sledding, fort building, and many other kinds of outdoor play. 

It has been a welcome addition to the playground!

Please remember to send your child with appropriate outdoor clothes so they can always join in.

Play to Learn in Primary

Our primary classes are always a buzz of activity! Students are playing to learn through centres, games, blocks and activities. 

There is always something interesting to see and do!

Sewing Club

Our sewing lunch club has launched! Each day different learning groups have a turn at learning sewing skills. Some are learning hand sewing, while others may be learning to complete small projects or use the machines. We are seeing some great creativity come out of that room already! Watch for some pajamas to come home at some point!

Please see the attached poster for items we could use in our sewing room. We would be happy to take your donations. Thank you in advance!

Mr. Tickle is Hungry!

Mr. Caulford's class has been doing a literacy unit on Mr. Man stories. They have learned about the characteristics of the Mr. Men and all the components of good story writing. They know that a story needs characters, a plot, a problem and a solution. 

Students are now putting their skills to work by putting on shadow puppet plays.

We hope you enjoy a few clips of their work!

Primary Literacy

Ms. Berk and Mrs. MacInnis' class have been busy with literacy!

Every morning there are stories to share, games to play, and writing to practice. Students rotate through centres to practice their skills with our support team. They are making great progress!