Criminals of the Animal Kingdom
Mr. Caulford's Grade 4/5 class has been working on an activity based on "WANTED! Criminals of the Animal Kingdom," a nonfiction book, written by Heather Tekavec and published by Kidscan Press. Based on a lesson from a popular learning blog called, "Adrienne's OLLI - Online Learning," students completed an activity following the book's method of combining facts about rather uncommon, quirky animals and turning them into a hilarious, memorable "Fact File Rap Sheets."
In keeping with the book's "criminal animal" descriptions, each student introduced their own criminal and gave details of their crime. For example, one student profiled a rather nosy giraffe named Gerry who pokes its head into windows and commits the crime of invading others' privacy!
Students had a lot of fun describing their animal criminals and learning about these creatures at the same time.