Salmo Elementary Winter Concert

The Salmo Elementary Winter concert and sing along was a great success! After several years of hosting digital events, it was so wonderful to have an in-person concert. With overwhelming outpouring of support from parents, grandparents and the community, we were able to fill our gym and it was standing room only!
Students were excited and eager to share their musical learning. Each class had a piece to perform, and a piece to share as a sing along. There was movement, finger dancing, glow sticks and ukuleles. There was even Jingle Bells on the boomwhackers and full band performances by the intermediate students. The audience enjoyed singing along to familiar songs, and laughing along to jokes from the student emcee (ie - Where does Santa keep his money? In the snow bank!).
Well done Salmo students on great performances!
Many thanks to Mrs. Nieva who planned and coordinated the event.
Many thanks to Ms. Hatt who helped focus our monthly learning on the Seven Sacred Teachings and arranged all the decorations. For weeks ahead of time, students drew and painted all the animals to be used as a woodland backdrop in the gym.
Finally, many thanks to our senior students who helped with set up, decorating, sound and clean up.
Happy holidays to all!