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May Assembly and Performances


Thursday, May 11th we had our monthly Sacred Teaching assembly.  Our final teaching was on Truth, represented by Turtle.  We learned how Truth can be unlocked by understanding all of the Seven Sacred Teachings: Bison/Respect, Bear/Courage, Wolf/Humility, Beaver/Wisdom, Sabe & Raven/Honesty, Eagle/Love, and Turtle/Truth.  We also observed Red Dress Day and The Moosehide Project.  Our Drum Circle students performed Nibi Water Song, Wichita Water Song, and The Eagle Song.  Ms. MacInnis’ Gr. 2/3 class performed “Fly Like an Eagle” by Steve Miller as the “Salmo Synchronized Swimming Team.” Thank you to all the parents who came to watch and to Ms. Hatt for the lesson!

Mrs. Nieva