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COURAGE - Multi-age activity


On November 24, Salmo Elementary students concluded their month of learning about courage with a multi-age activity. 

The Seven Sacred Teachings are the core of our code of conduct, and each month we focus on one element. November was all about courage, which is represented by the bear. Throughout the month, students learned about courage; what it meant, what it looks like, and how we can practice it on a daily basis.  They further learned different types of courage, including moral courage (what it means to stand up for what is right), and sacrifice (to put one's own wishes and needs aside for another). Discussions were had on what it means to have confidence and listen to your conscience. Finally, students had a chance to identify some of their common fears and brainstorm strategies they can use to overcome them. 

As a culminating event, students gathered in multi-age K-6 groupings and completed a craft together. They made "courage catchers"! These courage catchers were paper hearts that contained reminders of when students felt brave. They wrote on strips of paper times when they have been brave and then sewed them into decorated hearts. So many wonderful examples of courage were displayed as students thoughtfully considered how and when they could be brave. 

Some of their affirmations included: 

-I am strong

-I am an artist

-Making new friends

-Standing up for someone

-I am helpful

-I am fearless

-I help others

-I will stand up for what is right

-I will try my best, if I fail, no problem

-I am strong 

-I can handle it


